Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This morning as I was sitting at my desk enjoying my first cup of coffee I noticed out the window some really wicked shadows stretching over the driveway.  The Agapanthus was making quite the shadow herself, so I took a couple pictures while they lasted. (which wasn't long)  As you will see she now has some friends that have joined her.   She is definitely filling out now too, though there are still quite a few blooms that have yet to open.  Click here to see all the other entries from this series.  


  1. Well isn't that ironic. Your little flower growing and rouding out...isn't that what happens to all of us? Or at least you and I as we get older. Also, on a side note, I hope you aren't spilling your coffee this morning. As of this moment I am spill free.

  2. These might be my favorite shots of of "THE Flower" yet. I think it's the shadows. Tend to be drawn to them. Something mysterious about shadows for me.K4


Creative Commons License
This work by Erin Jo Chung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.