Thursday, June 4, 2009

THE Couch...

Today I am introducing a new category to my work. My HOME! Many of you know that I am huge nester and that my personal surroundings beauty and organization is very important to me and my well being. Our home has been and will continue to be a very large work in progress, but I get a lot of joy out of decorating our home and then sharing that with friends and family.

So I thought what better way to start this category off than with THE couch of all couches. Many of you have heard me talk about this couch for nearly 4 years now, from way back when I first discovered it. I have even drug many family members and some friends into the show room to see it in person! (i know you all think Im crazy, but instead I like to call it passionate ;)) I did a lot of research and tried to find anything that was comparable and just could not. So this couch has been picked out for quite some time now for our family room. We have together envisioned it as the hub of our home, both for family life and for entertaining. We finally decided to configure and make the big purchase this winter. I worked really hard on the design of the pieces and also researching fabrics. We actually were not able to use the piece that was the reason for falling in love with the couch to begin with. :( bummer But I love what we came up with in the end. It ticks pretty much every box that we had, so I think that is a success. We have been patiently been awaiting its arrival and just last evening it finally arrived!!! I can hardly believe that at this very moment it is sitting down in the family room all gorgeous and brilliant. Well I have had this vision for that room for quite some time now and have done a few things in that common area of the house already, but to see it all finally come together is just phenomenal. It far surpasses what I even had imagined in my mind.

So, I know that when you first see it that everyone is going to gasp at the fact that it is pretty much upholstered in bright white fabric!!! LOL In which you are probably going to conclude that I am even crazier than you ever thought. Well, you might be right, but I actually discovered this incredible fabric that is virtually indestructable. It is truly amazing stuff and so far all the stains we tested have come out like nothing was ever there. (we tested a bunch of samples) The stains come out with ease as heavy scrubbing. You can visit their website Crypton Fabrics and see amazing demos and learn more about it. Anyone with kids or pets this is the fabric for you. You can make virtually anything out of it and they sell it directly to you by the yard too. I chose a super soft one called Bella (marscapone).

The coffee and console table you see in the pictures are old zinc display fixtures from C&B. They were getting rid of it right before I left there to live in London. They asked if anyone wanted any of it and I raised my hand and ended up with nearly every piece of it for FREE!! I knew right away what I was going to do with it. So these two pieces I put big caster wheels on and turned into my two occasional tables to go with this couch. I have been using the tables for a while now. I love love love them so much! The coffee table I recently painted one corner with black chalkboard paint and I am thrilled with how that turned out. The console I use to fold laundry as well as other projects and a catch all. I have another console table that is identical and they both work awesome for extra tables for cocktail parties and what nots as well. I can just roll them around to wherever I need them. When I finally got to see them paired with the couch last night I just fell in love with them all over again! I am just thrilled at the way they look with the couch.

So this room isn't finished just yet. But it just got a heck of a lot closer. It is finally starting to seem like a home instead of an empty cavern. It is so rewarding to see my vision of about five years all coming together.....and everything actually works together!!!! BTW it is super comfy too! Amazing!

If you can not tell I am pretty stoked about it all. We have started on a few other projects around the house and I am going to be posting some more "Works In Progress" pictures. Look for those sometime next week.


  1. Love, love, love it! It looks like it is begging for some sicuit time and a cup of coffee! Good thing it is crypton with the way I drink coffee!

  2. Man, you put wayyy too much thought into your couch.. :) Now Erin, tell me one thing, why didn't you go into interior design? If this sort of planning gives you so much joy I can't imagine how happy you'd be doing it for other people as well...For what will you design once your house is finished?

    It looks beautiful, through your photography I gathered that you like very clean lines, it carries on into your living room too! Congrats! Enjoy your beautiful living room.

  3. erin jo! this couch is so HOT! I'm pretty excited for you, and completely jealous that you've found the perfect couch! I'm still on the hunt, I currently have two ugly *free* couches in my living room. upgrade needed asap. it's on my nesting dream list.

  4. hmm....I may have to take a trip down there and enjoy that couch, myself!
    great job with the design- BEAUtiful!!

  5. this looks more comfortable than the lime green chairs. *wink*


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This work by Erin Jo Chung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.