Saturday, November 28, 2009

Weekly Photography Challenge (sky)

Challenge Brief:


This week we'll do a *somewhat* simple challenge. Submit 1-3 images at the end of this week of creative images of the sky. These can be edited/tweaked,cropped in any way.

Hope you have fun with this one!

I am going to see what you think before I say anything this week. ;) Here is my entry for this week. Hope you enjoy.

*To see the other entries for this week and even to enter yourself click the link below.*

Weekly Photography Challenge


  1. oooh, these are super pretty- I think they are a catalog of a day- there seems to be a progression to the photos. I would suggest to anyone to click on the picture to see it full sized- there's all kinds of great textures that are going on, and details that are just so cool!
    can't wait to hear what you have to say about these!

  2. I was so pleasantly surprised when I clicked on your link today. What an interesting idea. How funny that a couple people this week decided to splice photos together. What struck me right away was all the different kinds of blues and whites there were. I do think that the bottom right hand side of the image is a bit too dark and messes up the balance of the rest of the image...but something tells me that you mean for all there of those photos to be bunched up at the bottom. Perhaps these photos are of different kinds of clouds... My favorite square is in the middle row and is the second image from the right. I love those kinds of clouds!

    So much creativity this week!


  3. Yay! I was so happy to see your entry hear this week! Those are fantastic cloud pictures! I agree with Diana that the darkness on the bottom throws off the balance of the image a bit. My favorite cloud picture is the middle top. Pretty!


Creative Commons License
This work by Erin Jo Chung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.