Friday, December 4, 2009

Weekly Photography Challenge (toys)

Challenge Brief:


The Rules:

1.) Submit a series of 3 photos (try to tell a story with your three images, have a little fun!)

2.) Since we've had a few people who seem to be interested in photo manipulation, tweaking is allowed.

Toys? ...not so much

Inspiration did not come easily or very swiftly to me this week. I thought all week about what I could do for the challenge given I don't have that many toys around the house….or none that I was finding inspiration in at least. It took a night that I was having a terrible time sleeping to get the inspiration. It was one of those nights that you can not turn your imagination off….well amongst many other things that night…this idea finally came to me. It is pretty literal….I just thought of using one of my models and showing movement and progression. I wanted to see if I could figure out how to achieve this look and it is pretty much how I saw it in my head. So even though it wasn't mean to be such a technical challenge this week, it was a bit of a technical challenge for myself. It isn't a revolutionary idea or dissimilar to an image I'm sure you have seen before. But it is simple and minimalist and I like it. :) Hope you enjoy me having fun with one of my models…..

*To see the rest of the entries for this weeks challenge or to enter yourself then click the link below*

Weekly Photography Challenge


  1. holy cow- that's awesome!!!
    I love the effect of it- and the places where the figure overlaps- adds some neat highlights to the image.
    great concept and execution~


  2. Erin, something jumped out at me right away when I saw this image. You have motion pictured here in reverse! At first I couldn't quite figure out what seemed so unusually different in this image, since I've seen this concept before. When depicting motion in such a manner it is usually the last figure to the right that is the easiest to see, since the fading images behind it would suggest that the figure has since passed that space in the frame. But in your image it's the opposite. It's like your figure is seeing into the future instead of fading out of the past. Was this intentional?

    I'm guessing that you changed the opacity of each image as you added them. I like the effect! and I like that this one really had me thinking too!



Creative Commons License
This work by Erin Jo Chung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.