Monday, December 14, 2009

Weekly Photography Challenge (shoes)

Challenge Brief:


The goal of this challenge is to take something ordinary and make it look extraordinary.

If you're a little stumped head on over to challenge #41 where we did a study on "the rule of thirds". Go ahead, click on the link there and read the article, or look that the offerings for that week.

Have fun seeing shoes through new eyes!



Well I was really hoping for some rain last week....but the weather and timing did not cooperate with each other. So I just did a regular dry fashion shoot indoors instead. These 1950's pinup girl wellies are one of my favorite things in my wardrobe. They are also one of the only things that I bought while living in the UK. Girls....I can that be right? Well the exchange rate was terrible for us American's...and I used every ounce of discipline I had. Anyway...these are FUN FUN FUN! Hope you enjoy and find them as fabulous as I do! ; )

* To see the rest of the entries for this weeks challenge or to enter yourself, please click the link below*

Weekly Photography Challenge


  1. You look great in red! I especially like the composition of the first pic of the wellies.

  2. aah- you had fun with this one!
    I think it might be time for another self-portrait... after the new year, I suppose!
    these are great- there is something very magazine, yet artistic about these- the whole layout-thing, I suppose. The red is fantastic- great way of tying it all together!


  3. ha ha, you called them Wellies!

    I totally know what you mean about the weather not cooperating! I really was looking forward to stomping around in the snow in my boots.

    Erin you have a knack for making colours pop. In a lot of your staged photos you tend to go with a very limited colour pallet..I find this interesting as that is exactly what I do when I'm painting...I can't help myself. I can't help but wonder if it's the same with you. In this case it works very well...the red is extremely striking.
    I think my favorite photo of the series is the first one of you...oddly enough it doesn't have the boots in it at all, the pairing of the boots with that photo was a strong choice. Unfortunately I think against the white the boots get a little lost. my favorite photo of the boots is in the second set, it's the one on the right. There's so much contrast in your jeans and jacket that it's hard to notice the boots really....I think evening changing the lighting a little (a shadow behind the boots somehow) would bring more notice to your lovely, I'm all about lighting this week! (maybe because I struggled a little with the lighting of my photos so I have it on the brain.)

    It was a fun series and I can see how you were trying hard to mix up the images to keep them different and interesting.

    You're brave to be doing so many self portraits!



Creative Commons License
This work by Erin Jo Chung is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.